How to access the A2 Hosting Customer Portal

This article describes how to access the A2 Hosting Customer Portal.

Log in to the Customer Portal

To log in to the Customer Portal, follow these steps:

  1. Use your web browser to go to
  2. Under Manage Your Account, click Secure Client Login:

    Customer Portal - Secure Client Login

    The login page appears:

    Customer Portal - Login page

  3. In the Email Address text box, type the e-mail address associated with your A2 Hosting account.
  4. In the Password text box, type your account password.
  5. If you want to have the browser remember your login credentials the next time you access the Customer Portal, select the Remember Me check box.
  6. Click Login. The main client area appears:

    Customer Portal - Main client area

Log out of the Customer Portal

To log out of the Customer Portal, follow these steps:

  1. On the top menu bar, click LOGOUT. The Customer Portal logs you out:

    Customer Portal - Logout

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