This article describes how to install Drush manually.
The Drush installation process uses composer, a PHP dependency manager. Therefore, if you have not already installed composer on your account, you must do so before installing Drush.
To install Drush, follow these steps:
composer global require drush/drush:10.x
To install Drush 9, type the following command:
composer global require drush/drush:9.x
To determine the correct composer path for your account, type the following command:
composer config --global home
The composer path is one of the following:
You will need this information for the next step.
To add Drush to your path, type the following command. Replace composer_path with the path you obtained in step 3:
echo 'export PATH="composer_path/vendor/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
To make the new path take effect immediately, type the following command:
source ~/.bashrc
Drush is now installed and ready to use on your account.
drush version
To update Drush to the newest version, type the following command:
composer global update drush/drush
For more information about Drush, please visit
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