How to find the IP address for your hosting account

Knowing the IP address of your hosting account can be useful for viewing your website before DNS propagation is complete, or for managing your DNS settings through a third-party service like Cloudflare. To find your IP address, follow the appropriate procedure below for your account's control panel.

Table of Contents


To determine the IP address on a Plesk-based account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Plesk.
    If you do not know how to log in to your Plesk account, please see this article.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Websites & Domains:

    Plesk - Sidebar - Websites and Domains

  3. The IP address appears near the top of the website management area:


To determine the IP address on a cPanel-based account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to cPanel.
    If you do not know how to log in to your cPanel account, please see this article.
  2. In the GENERAL INFORMATION sidebar, click Server Information:

  3. On the Server Information page, in the Item column, locate Shared IP Address or Dedicated IP Address:


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